1098 "Open with &default viewer" = "&Deschide cu viewer-ul predefinit"
1099 "&Run application" = "&Ruleazπ aplica■ia"
1297 "App&lication:" = "Ap&licatie:"
1006 "Brow&se..." = "Rπ&sfoire..."
1140 "Param&eters:" = "Param&etrii:"
111 "Profiles" = "Profile"
1291 "&Profiles" = "&Profile"
1130 "&New..." = "&Nou..."
1012 "&Copy..." = "&Copiere..."
1182 "&Rename..." = "&Redenumire..."
1013 "&Delete" = "¬tergere"
1014 "&Set active" = "Activare"
1149 "Profile settings &override paper settings from printing applications" = "Setπrile profilului suprascriu setπrile de paginπ din aplica■iile care imprimπ"
1292 "When activating a different profile:" = "La activarea unui alt profil:"
1132 "As&k me what to do" = "╬ntreabπ ce sπ se εntΓmple"
1133 "Au&tomatically save changes to the current profile" = "Salveazπ automat schimbπrile εn profilul curent"
112 "Compression" = "Compresie"
1141 "Text and graphics" = "Text ║i graficπ"
1010 "E&nable compression" = "Permite compresia"
1142 "&Method:" = "&Metoda:"
1144 "High color images" = "Imagini de εnaltπ defini■ie"
1082 "Ena&ble compression" = "Permite compresia"
1298 "Me&thod" = "Me&toda:"
1146 "Indexed and monochrome images" = "Imagini indexate si monocrome"
1084 "Enable &compression" = "Permite &compresia"
1147 "Metho&d:" = "Meto&da:"
1258 "Enable optimization of image sequences" = "Permite optimizarea secven■elor de imagini"
1299 "&Profile name:" = "Nume &profil:"
122 "Register" = "╬nregistrare"
1335 "The product is already registered. If you received a different registration key fill this new information in the fields below exactly as they appear in the instructions you received and press OK. You can copy/paste the information if you wish" = "Produsul este εnregistrat deja. Dacπ a■i primit o cheie de εnregistrare nouπ introduce■i noile informa■ii εn cΓmpurile de mai jos exact a║a cum apar εn instruc■iunile pe care le-a■i primit ║i apπsa■i OK. Pute■i sπ copia■i/lipi■i informa■ia dacπ dori■i"
1337 "If you paid the license fee and received a registration name and key please fill this information in the fields below exactly as they appear in the instructions you received and press OK. You can copy/paste the information if you wish" = "Dacπ a■i plπtit pentru licen■a ║i a■i primit un nume de εnregistrare ║i o cheie de εnregistrare introduce■i informa■iile εn cΓmpurile de mai jos exact a║a cum apar εn instruc■iunile pe care le-a■i primit ║i apπsa■i OK. Pute■i sπ copia■i/lipi■i informa■ia dacπ dori■i"
1163 "Registration &name:" = "&Nume de εnregistrare:"
1164 "Registration &key:" = "Cheie de εnregistrare:"
2311 "Browse for a destination folder for your PDF files" = "Alege■i un dosar destina■ie pentru fi║ierele PDF"
2312 "Save PDF File As" = "Salveazπ fi║ierul PDF"
2313 "Your registration key has %1!d! licenses. You installed %2!s! on more computers. Please uninstall from %3!d! computers" = "Cheia dvs. de εnregistrare are %1!d! licen■e. A■i instalat %2!s! pe mai multe computere. Trebuie sπ dezinstala■i de pe %3!d! computere"
2314 "&Quality:" = "Calitate:"
2315 "Q&uality:" = "Calitate:"
2316 "Qu&ality:" = "C&alitate:"
2317 "&Level:" = "Nive&l:"
2318 "L&evel:" = "Niv&el:"
2319 "Le&vel:" = "Ni&vel:"
2320 "Minimum" = "Minimπ"
2321 "Low" = "Scπzutπ"
2322 "Medium" = "Medie"
2323 "High" = "╬naltπ"
2324 "Maximum" = "Maximπ"
2325 "Fastest" = "Rapid"
2326 "Normal" = "Normal"
2327 "Maximum" = "Maxim"
2328 "Page number should be between 1 and 999" = "Numπrul de pagini trebuie sπ fie εntre 1 ║i 999"
2329 "Document" = "Document"
2330 "New Computer" = "Computer nou"
2331 "You already used all licenses available from your registration. Please remove unused computers from the licensed computers list or buy additional licenses" = "A■i folosit deja toate licen■ele disponibile din εnregistrare. Elimina■i computerele nefolosite din lista de computere cu licen■π sau cumpπra■i licen■e εn plus"
2332 "The computer (%s) is already in the licensed computers list" = "Computerul (%s) existπ deja εn lista de computere cu licen■π"
2333 "Are you sure you want to remove the selected computer (%s) from licensed computers list?" = "Sunte■i sigur cπ dori■i eliminarea computerului selectat (%s) din lista de computere cu licen■π?"
2334 "Remove Computer" = "Eliminare computer"
2336 "Rename Computer" = "Redenumire computer"
2338 "Computer name (&DNS):" = "Nume computer (&DNS):"
2339 "Computer name (Net&BIOS):" = "Nume computer (Net&BIOS):"
2340 "Licenses" = "Licen■e"
2341 "You chose to use NetBIOS names. Please check that all computers in the licensed computers list have correct NetBIOS names" = "A■i ales sπ folosi■i nume NetBIOS. Verifica■i dacπ toate computerele din lista de computere cu licen■π au nume NetBIOS corecte"
2342 "%d license" = "%d licen■π"
2343 "%d licenses" = "%d licen■e"
2344 "Licensed Computers" = "Computere cu licen■π"
2345 "No Border" = "Fπrπ bordurπ"
2346 "Underline" = "Subliniat"
2347 "Rectangle" = "Dreptunghi"
2348 "Solid" = "Solid"
2349 "Dashed" = "Linie εntreruptπ"
2350 "Name" = "Nume"
2351 "Description" = "Descriere"
2353 "New form" = "Formπ nouπ"
2354 "New form (%d)" = "Formπ nouπ (%d)"
2355 "Manage Predefined Forms" = "Administrare forme prdefinite"
2356 "Inches" = "Inci"
2357 "Millimeters" = "Milimetri"
2358 "Points" = "Puncte"
2359 "You cannot define more custom forms because you reached the maximum allowed form number. Please delete unused forms" = "Nu pute■i defini mai multe forme personalizate pentru cπ a■i ajuns la numπrul maxim de forme permise. ¬terge■i formele nefolosite"
2360 "Copy of %s" = "Copie a %s"
2361 "Please select a form to copy" = "Alege■i o formπ pentru copiere"
2362 "Copy (%1!d!) of %2!s!" = "Copia (%1!d!) a %2!s!"
2364 "Are you sure you want to delete the selected form (%s)?" = "Sunte■i sigur cπ dori■i ║tergerea formei selectate (%s)?"
2365 "The page width should be between 10 and 10000 millimeters" = "Lπ■imea paginii trebuie sπ fie εntre 10 ║i 10000 de milimetri"
2366 "The page height should be between 10 and 10000 millimeters" = "╬nπl■imea paginii trebuie sπ fie εntre 10 ║i 10000 de milimetri"
2367 "You did not specify a name for the form. Form names cannot be empty" = "Nu a■i specificat un nume pentru formπ. Numele formelor nu pot fi goale"
2368 "A form with this name (%s) already exists. Please specify a different name" = "Existπ deja o formπ cu acest nume (%s). Alege■i un nume diferit"
2370 "Margins and Zoom" = "Margini ║i zoom"
2371 "The sum of the left and right margins cannot exceed 2/3 of the page width. The margins will be adjusted automatically" = "Suma marginii din stΓnga ║i din dreapta nu poate depπ║i 2/3 din lπ■imea paginii. Marginile vor fi corectate automat"
2372 "The sum of the top and bottom margins cannot exceed 2/3 of page height. The margins will be adjusted automatically" = "Suma marginii de sus ║i de jos nu poate depπ║i 2/3 din εnπl■imea paginii. Marginile vor fi corectate automat"
2373 "Zoom value should be between 1 and 400. It will be adjusted automatically" = "Zoomul trebuie sπ fie εntre 1 ║i 400. Valoarea va fi corectatπ automat"
2374 "The left origin should be increased so at least 1/3 of the page will be drawn. It will be adjusted automatically" = "Originea din stΓnga trebuie crescutπ εn a║a fel εncΓt cel pu■in 1/3 din paginπ sπ se deseneze. Valoarea va fi corectatπ automat"
2375 "The left origin should be decreased so at least 1/3 of the page will be drawn. It will be adjusted automatically" = "Originea din stΓnga trebuie scπzutπ εn a║a fel εncΓt cel pu■in 1/3 din paginπ sπ se deseneze. Valoarea va fi corectatπ automat"
2376 "The top origin should be increased so at least 1/3 of the page will be drawn. It will be adjusted automatically" = "Originea de sus trebuie crescutπ εn a║a fel εncΓt cel pu■in 1/3 din paginπ sπ se deseneze. Valoarea va fi corectatπ automat"
2377 "The top origin should be decreased so at least 1/3 of the page will be drawn. It will be adjusted automatically" = "Originea de sus trebuie scπzutπ εn a║a fel εncΓt cel pu■in 1/3 din paginπ sπ se deseneze. Valoarea va fi corectatπ automat"
2378 "Page margins, zoom and origin are not valid for the new page size. Do you wish to continue and revert these properties to default values?" = "Marginile paginii, zoomul ║i originea nu sunt corecte pentru noua dimensiune a paginii. Dori■i sπ continua■i ║i sπ reveni■i la valorile predefinite ale acestor proprietπ■i?"
2379 "Scale value should be between 1 and 400. It will be adjusted automatically" = "Scara trebuie sπ fie εntre 1 ║i 400. Valoarea va fi corectatπ automat"
2380 "Resolution should be between 50 and 2400. It will be adjusted automatically" = "Rezolu■ia trebuie sπ fie εntre 50 ║i 2400. Valoarea va corectatπ automat"
2381 "The page width should be between 10 and 10000 millimeters. It will be adjusted automatically" = "Lπ■imea paginii trebuie sπ fie εntre 10 ║i 10000 de milimetri. Valoarea va fi corectatπ automat"
2382 "The page height should be between 10 and 10000 millimeters. It will be adjusted automatically" = "╬nπl■imea paginii trebuie sπ fie εntre 10 ║i 10000 de milimetri. Valoarea va fi corectatπ automat"
2383 "Page" = "Paginπ"
2384 "New Profile" = "Profil nou"
2385 "Copy of %s" = "Copie a %s"
2386 "Copy (%1!d!) of %2!s!" = "Copia (%1!d!) a %2!s!"
2387 "There is already a profile with this name (%s). Please specify a different name" = "Existπ deja un profil cu acest nume (%s). Alege■i un nume diferit"
2394 "You cannot define more profiles because you reached the maximum allowed number. Please delete unused profiles" = "Nu pute■i defini mai multe profile pentru cπ a■i atins limita maximπ. ¬terge■i profilele nefolosite"
2396 "Are you sure you want to delete selected profile (%s)?" = "Sunte■i sigur cπ dori■i ║tergerea profilului selectat (%s)?"
2397 "This profile (%s) is already the active profile" = "Acest profil (%s) este deja activ"
2398 "Save changes made to previous active profile (%s)?" = "Salva■i schimbπrile fπcute in profilul activ anterior (%s)?"
2400 "The user passwords do not match. Please retype password in both fields" = "Parolele utilizator nu corespund. Reintroduce■i parola εn ambele cΓmpuri"
2401 "The owner passwords do not match. Please retype password in both fields" = "Parolele proprietar nu corespund. Reintroduce■i parola εn ambele cΓmpuri"
2402 "Security" = "Securitate"
2403 "Example:" = "Exemplu:"
2404 "The macro you entered is not valid" = "Macroul introdus este gre║it"
2405 "DocumentName" = "NumeDocument"
2406 "Prompt Save As dialog" = "Afi║eazπ dialogul Salvare ca"
2407 "Auto number new files" = "Numeroteazπ automat fi║ierele noi"
2408 "Append date and time" = "Adaugπ data ║i ora"
2409 "Overwrite" = "Suprascrie"
2410 "Auto number existing files" = "Numeroteazπ automat fi║ierele existente"
2411 "Registration name" = "Nume de εnregistrare"
2412 "Registration key" = "Cheie de εnregistrare"
2413 "Number of licenses" = "Numπr licen■e"
2414 "Used licenses" = "Licen■e folosite"
2416 "Unlimited number of licenses" = "Numπr de licen■e nelimitat"
2421 "Not Registered" = "Neεnregistrat"
2422 "Please contact your network administrator for information about the registration" = "Contacta■i administratorul de re■ea pentru informa■ii despre εnregistrare"
2423 "DEMO version for novaPDF SDK" = "Versiunea DEMO pentru novaPDF SDK"
2424 "Licenses" = "Licen■e"
2425 "There was an error while reading the registration information. Please register again" = "A fost o eroare la citirea informa■iilor de εnregistrare. ╬nregistra■i-vπ din nou"
2428 "Register" = "╬nregistrare"
2429 "Please enter your registration name" = "Introduce■i numele de εnregistrare"
2430 "Please enter your registration key" = "Introduce■i cheia de εnregistrare"
2431 "License key successfully registered" = "Cheia de εnregistrare a fost acceptatπ"
2432 "The registration name or registration key you entered is invalid. Please retype or copy/paste the registration information again" = "Numele de εnregistrare sau cheia de εnregistrare pe care a■i introdus-o este gre║itπ. Scrie■i sau copia■i/lipi■i informa■iile de εnregistrare din nou"
2437 "You chose to use DNS names. Please check that all computers in the licensed computers list have correct DNS names" = "A■i ales sπ folosi■i nume DNS. Verifica■i dacπ toate computerele din lista de computere cu licen■π au nume DNS corecte"
2438 "%s license" = "Licen■π %s"
2441 "You chose to send generated PDF files by email. Please open the Configure Email window and specify the email recipient address (To field)" = "A■i ales sπ trimite■i fi║ierul PDF generat prin email. Deschide■i fereastra Configurare email ║i specifica■i adresa de email a destinatarului (cΓmpul La)"
2442 "You chose to send generated PDF files by email. Please open the Configure Email window and specify the email sender address (From field)" = "A■i ales sπ trimite■i fi║ierul PDF generat prin email. Deschide■i fereastra Configurare email ║i specifica■i adresa de email al expeditorului (cΓmpul De la)"
2443 "You chose to send generated PDF files by email using SMTP. Please open the Configure SMTP window and specify the SMTP server" = "A■i ales sπ trimite■i fi║ierul PDF generat prin email folosind SMTP. Deschide■i fereastra Configurare SMTP ║i specifica■i serverul SMTP"
2444 "You chose to send generated PDF files by email using SMTP. Please open the Configure SMTP window and specify the SMTP port" = "A■i ales sπ trimite■i fi║ierul PDF generat prin email folosind SMTP. Deschide■i fereastra Configurare SMTP ║i specifica■i portul SMTP"
2445 "Email" = "Email"
2446 "Because your SMTP server requires authentification, you should specify a valid user account and password" = "Deoarece serverul SMTP necesitπ autentificare, trebuie sπ specifica■i un cont valid de utilizator ║i o parolπ validπ"
2447 "Configure Email" = "Configurare Email"
2448 "Save" = "Salvare"
2449 "You chose to run an application after the PDF file is saved. Please specify the application name and path" = "A■i ales sπ rula■i o aplica■ie dupπ ce fisierul PDF este salvat. Introduce■i numele aplica■iei ║i calea cπtre ea"
2450 "You chose to name the generated PDF files automatically. Please specify a file name or macro" = "A■i ales sπ denum■i automat fi║ierele PDF generate. Specifica■i un nume de fi║ier sau un macro"
2451 "&Profile name:" = "Nume &profil:"
2452 "Rename computer (%s) to (&DNS):" = "Redenumire computer (%s) la (&DNS):"
2453 "Rename computer (%s) to (Net&BIOS):" = "Redenumire computer (%s) la (Net&BIOS):"
2462 "You have installed and registered the same registration key on %1!d! computers. You are allowed to use this registration key only on one computer. Please uninstall from %2!d! computers" = "A■i instalat ║i εnregistrat aceea║i cheie de εnregistrare pe %1!d! computere. Pute■i sa folosi■i aceea║i cheie numai pe un singur computer. Trebuie sπ dezinstala■i de pe %2!d! computere"